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+2547 48 149 052

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
Sunday is Closed

Hotel & Restaurant Charcoal:

Hotels & Restaurants Charcoal is meticulously designed to serve as a dependable energy source that enhances both comfort and culinary excellence. With the ability to generate heat for ambiance during the night and serve as an efficient cooking medium, our charcoal is the go-to solution for hospitality professionals.

Why Choose Hotels & Restaurants Charcoal:

  • Dual Purpose: Experience the versatility of Hotels & Restaurants Charcoal. Use it to create a cozy ambiance during the night and as an effective cooking energy source in restaurants, enhancing both customer experience and operational efficiency.
  • Consistent Performance: Our charcoal's steady heat output ensures that your establishment remains warm and welcoming while delivering exceptional results in the kitchen.
  • Reliable Supply: Count on timely deliveries of Hotels & Restaurants Charcoal, ensuring that your hospitality operations run seamlessly.
  • Sustainability: With Portreitz Calcine's commitment to eco-conscious practices, our charcoal aligns perfectly with your establishment's environmental goals.

Contact Us

Connect with us to explore how Hotels & Restaurants Charcoal can transform your hospitality business, learn about our sustainable initiatives, and discover the innovative edge our product brings to your operations.

Get In Touch Today, Call us

+2547 48 149 052