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+2547 48 149 052

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
Sunday is Closed

HatchlingHeat Charcoal:

HatchlingHeat Charcoal is carefully formulated to provide the ideal environment for healthy chick growth. Our charcoal aids in maintaining consistent warmth, promoting comfort, and ensuring the well-being of hatchlings during their critical early stages.

Why Choose HatchlingHeat Charcoal:

  • Optimal Heat Distribution: Our charcoal's unique properties ensure even distribution of heat, creating a nurturing environment for hatchlings.
  • Enhanced Comfort: HatchlingHeat Charcoal contributes to the chicks' comfort, reducing stress and allowing them to thrive during the crucial early stages.
  • Consistent Quality: Count on consistent quality with every bag of HatchlingHeat Charcoal, a testament to our commitment to meeting breeders' expectations.
  • Sustainability: Portreitz Calcine's dedication to sustainability extends to HatchlingHeat Charcoal, making your choice an environmentally conscious one.

Contact Us

Connect with us to explore how HatchlingHeat Charcoal can revolutionize your poultry breeding practices. Discover our commitment to sustainability and how our charcoal aligns with your goals.

Get In Touch Today, Call us

+2547 48 149 052